Section: New Results

Verification of extensional properties

Participants : Mario Bravetti, Daniel Hirschkoff, Cosimo Laneve, Jean-Marie Madiot, Tudor Alexandru Lascu, Davide Sangiorgi, Gianluigi Zavattaro.

Extensional refers to properties that have to do with behavioral descriptions of a system (i.e., how a system looks like from the outside). Examples of such properties include classical functional correctness and deadlock freedom. A substantial amount of the work carried out this year has to do with the transfer of techniques from the area of concurrency theory to the investigation of properties in adaptable systems, obiect-oriented concurrent systems, and systems based on specific synchronization mechanisms.


We mentioned earlier the process calculus of adaptable processes [13] and the related temporal logic [24] . In the same papers, we have addressed the (un)decidability of two safety properties related to error occurrence, and we have explained how the proof techniques in [13] can be extended to prove (un)decidability results for the temporal logic.


We have considered concurrent object-oriented languages with futures and cooperative scheduling. Verification of deadlock in such systems is a nontrivial task due to the dynamic and unbounded creation of futures. We have introduced [45] a technique to prove deadlock freedom for such systems by translating a concrete program to an abstract version of the program, and then encoding such abstract program into a Petri net. Deadlock can be detected on Petri nets via checking the reachability of a distinct marking: absence of deadlocks in the Petri net constitutes deadlock freedom of the concrete system.

Synchronization primitives

We have investigated [33] the impact of node and communication failures on the decidability and complexity of parametric verification of a formal model of ad hoc networks, in which finite state processes communicate via selective broadcast. We have considered three possible kinds of node failures –intermittence, restart, and crash– and three cases of communication failures –nondeterministic message loss, message loss due to conflicting emissions, and detectable conflicts. Interestingly, we have proved that the considered decision problem (reachability of a control state) is decidable for node intermittence and message loss (either nondeterministic or due to conflicts) while it turns out to be undecidable for node restart/crash, and conflict detection. The conclusion is that verification is decidable only when processes are unaware of the occurrence of a failure.

In another line of work, we have studied the impact of dualities and symmetries in synchronization primitives for message-passing processes [37] . We have shown that in languages where input and output are dualisable (e.g., variants of the π-calculus such as πI and fusion), duality breaks with the addition of ordinary input/output types. We have then considered the minimal symmetrical conservative extension of π-calculus input/output types. We have proved duality properties for it. As example of application of the dualities, we have used this language to relate two encodings of λ-calculus, by Milner and by van Bakel and Vigliotti, syntactically quite different from each other. Thus, results on one encoding can be transferred onto the other one.


Induction is a pervasive tool in Computer Science and Mathematics for defining structures and reasoning on them. Coinduction is the dual of induction, and as such it brings in tools that are quite different from those provided by induction. The best known instance of coinduction is bisimulation, mainly employed to define and prove equalities among potentially infinite objects: processes, streams, non-well-founded sets, and so on. Sangiorgi has completed [48] , [51] two comprehensive textbooks on bisimulation and coinduction (in [51] , Sangiorgi is an editor, and author of two chapter contributions [49] , [47] ). The books explain the fundamental concepts and techniques, and the duality with induction. A special emphasis is put on bisimulation as a behavioural equivalence for processes. Thus the books also serve as an introduction to models for expressing processes, and to the associated techniques of operational and algebraic analysis.